Friday, February 13, 2009

The Story Of My Jeejal Sindh

"Churan-i chunNkan-i chitt-i mein, rahya andar-i rooh-a,
UtThee viyarRa'a ukree, maru mathey moh-a,
Veeroon vilorRinN-a joon, sariya'an gharRon subooh-a,
Var-u say kha'ara'a khooh-a, sinjiam-i jay sarReh-a ja'a."
"They are in my memory and in my soul,
In rainy season to plains go my folks.
At dawn I recall much preparations for churning whey,
Blessed be Malir's salty wells from which I water Drew."

..........Bhitai [sur Marui]
Sindh, a nation along the lower delta of Indus River, known fondly in Sindh as Sindhu or Mehran, is one of the world's most ancient civilizations. It is a nation with its own history and a rich heritage, quite different and unique from the main body of the Indian sub-Continent, the Hind. The names "Hind" for the land mass which lies to the East of the Indus Valley, and "Sindh," shows this diversity and uniqueness of the nation of Sindh. It is from Sindh that the river takes its name Sindhu. Geographically, the country of Sindh is very distinct and varied in its landscape and natural habitat. Here you will find the enchanting history of Sindh - the mother of civilizations.
Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is not just a paramount poet of Sindh, he is the vary soul of Sindh. If he would have been born in Middle east - somewhere near Mecca or Bethelhem - they would have proclaimed him a prophet. If he would have surfaced in England, they would have made him a Poet Laureate - nobody would have known Shakespeare, Byron, Keats or Shelley. Instead, he was born in a tiny village of central Sindh. Sindh, a beautiful nation of beautiful people, where one of the greatest civilizations, that the world has ever known, flourished. Join me here to pay homage to this great Poet of the East.
There are 30 surs in the Shah Jo Risalo. Sur means a form or a mode of singing - rhythm, melody. Each sur corresponds to its subject matter. They are not named according to their music but according to the subject matter.
Enter this realm of pure and sublime music of the great poet of the East, Shah Bhitai.
Like stars, in the dark sky, they shine. Their brightness sets aglow the horizon of Sindh and beyond. They twinkle, they sparkle and they spread their eternal radiance all around. They have brightened my world and enlightened my soul - my world is dark no more, my life is empty no more. Oh, weary fellow-travellers, come, let us be guided by the powerful light of these bright stars.
A shooting star makes a shining furrow across the sky and then sinks into darkness for ever. Same is the case with civilizations. Same is the case with man. Man's sojourn in this world is very brief but even during this short period he strives to achieve all that might make himself happier, with the puerile craze of a child running after a butterfly. Here that beautiful butterfly is the treasured heritage of Sindh.
The culture of Sindh, this great mother of all civilizations, is so pure, sublime, unique and rich. But, where is it? I cannot find it! It is lost! The children of Sindh have gone all over the world, leaving their language, culture, heritage, traditions and, most of all, their very own mother behind. "Hayf-u tanheen khay ho-i, jan-i watan-o pahinjo visa'aryo" - "Shame on those who have abandoned their motherland!"
Sindhi language has been the inspiration for the Sindhi art, music, literature, culture and the entire way of life of the peaceful and romantic people of Sindh. Many great poets and literatis have been profoundly inspired by the beauty of Sindhi language. The poetry of the Sindhi saint-poets, like Bhitai, Sachal and Saami, sung in sweet, melodious, rhythmic Sindhi tunes, fills the hearts and souls of the listeners with sheer rapture, joy and ecstasy.
There has always been a bond of mutual love, respect, admiration and understanding between the Sindhi adherents of Islam and Hinduism. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that neither Hindus nor Muslims were strictly orthodox in Sindh. So, if you ask me what is the religion of Sindhis. Without hesitation, I would say, "SUFISM." Bhitai says, "Nya-e Neen-a Niha'ar, To mein dero Dosta jo," which, translated into English means, "Look inside you, the friend lives there." The 'friend' here is God, Allah, Bhagwan, or whatever name He is known as in His Creation. Sindhis have always been, are and shall always continue to adhere to the universal values of brotherhood, and like the jogis, wander around in search of the truth.
Sindh comprises about 3% land mass of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. It lies largely in the delta of the lower Indus basin, connected on three sides with areas of marked geographical contrasts. Join me on the tour of my motherland.
The political and administrative boundaries of Sindh are divided into 'Divisions'. Each Division is further divided into 'Districts', and the Districts into 'Talukas.' Here you will learn about these boundaries.
It is speculated that Saka Era came into being due to certain events that took place in Sindh in the year 78 or 79 AD. Al-Beeruni mentions that a foreign ruler ruled the 'Aryawarata' territories with its capital in Sindh. He had issued an order whereby Aryas were to call themseleves only Sakas and not the Aryas. He was therefore not liked by the people of Sindh. He was killed in a local revolt at 'Kiror' near present day Multan (then a part of Sindhu Desh).
Sindh with its immense richness has always attracted invaders, refugees and immigrants including Zarthushtra and his followers, Alexander and the Greeks, Persians, Mongols, Arabs, Portuguese and English. But with the creation of Pakistan, large number of urdu speaking muslims from India, were encouraged to immigrate and settle in Sindh and native Sindhis were forced to leave their country.
Cyberspace is a marvellous technology that has brought many friends, communities and societies close to each other. It is hoped that Sindhis all over the world shall take advantage of this new medium and join hands, embrace each other and become ONE.
These are the views, hopes, dreams and aspirations of a young girl, daughter of that great mother Sindh. How can that mother die whose children are like this young lady?
Fifty years ago, the lunatics, the sadists, the bigots, stabbed the frail old lady, Sindh, in her back. Broken, battered and bruised her head was bloody but unbowed. Upright she stood, as she always had through the centuries. The grand old lady lost her beloved children. And the children lost their motherland, their fatherland.
Sindh, that beautiful country along the lower Indus and the delta of this river, situated between the Latitudes of 20 degrees and 35 minutes North and 28 degrees and 39 minutes North, and the Longitudes of 66 degrees 40 minutes East and 71 degrees and 10 minutes East, is a wonderful landscape which has had its own history through the centuries, is quite different from the main body of the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent. The Arabic names "Hind" and "Sind" show the cultural differences between the Indus Valley and the country East of the river.
Sindhi Nationhood embraces an unbroken bond of affinity between people and their motherland, between an individual and his society, land, language, culture, customs, faith, and the way of life. This affinity is much more then mundane. It is deeply rooted in the psyche of the individual right from his birth. The attachment to his land is so deep, solemn and sublime that he addresses his land as, 'motherland' or 'fatherland' or even 'holyland.'
Sindhi society is dominated by great Sufis, the mystics, the martyrs. It has always been the land of peace, love, romance, and great cultural and artistic values. Art is the expression of the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way. Music is a form of art. And the hills and valleys of beautiful Sindh are alive with the sound of music - with the songs they have sung for thousands of years.
Messages of love and affection from here, there and everywhere - they inspire me, motivate me, and urge me on. There will be commas, exclamation and question marks in our lives - let there be no full stops. We must move on. And my journey, my quest continues.
The children of Sindh, the Sindhi people, are the family of Indo-Aryan race with a strong Dravidian influence. Sindhis are peaceful, hardworking, hospitable, philanthropists, benevolent, simple and easiest and the most open-minded of the Eastern people. They are free from inhibitions of caste and creed. Sindhis have a rich contribution to make to the thought and life of the entire humanity. Bhali Karay Aya, welcome, let us meet some children of mother Sindh.
The woes and issues affecting our mother Sindh and the sons of her soil.
was reverantly mentioned in the folk-lore of many countries, societies and people, as an exotic island, where you can safely and effectively engage in business and commerce, and surely make a fortune. So, they came - people, rich and poor - from all over the world. Sindhis, also came, with their entrepreneaural skills and thirst for the exotic and sublime. Their restless and pioneering nature, motivated them to leave their motherland Sindh and set up their businesses here. Let us marvel at their contributions, achievements and progress.
Language is the reason for nations to survive. It is the heart-beat of the people. The language of mother Sindh is Sindhi, which has been spoken for centuries by the children of Sindh. Today these children are all over the world, truncated and seperated from their motherland. To preserve their pride, culture, traditions and way of life they must learn to read and write the language of their motherland. Join me in these pages for some tuition.
It is observed that all ancient civilizations of the world rose on the banks of rivers. The Mohan-jo-Daro civilization rose on the river Sindhu (Indus). Although the civilization did not leave any decipherable records, the structure tells a highly articulate story. Join me, let us, together, take an enriching and exhilarating walk through the corridors of ancient history.
Karachi, the capital of Sindh, is one of the major international port. It is amongst the ten most populous cities of the world - a bustling metropolis, a commercial hub, an industrial centre. Karachi has also been a centre of artistic and cultural activities of Sindhi intellectuals, poets, and scholars. Today this beautiful city of dreams and lights is under seige - battered, burnt, and broken.
In this essay I should like to show how successive invasions of a wide variety of peoples have left their mark on the the culture of the Sindhi Hindus. This population traditionally lived in Sind province once part of India but now in Pakistan and it is the culture of these inhabitants prior to partition in 1947 that are the subject of this essay.
It was in Sindh towards the end of 1947. Partition had taken place and Hindus were leaving the province in large numbers. One day some of us RSS workers were walking down Tilak Incline in Hyderabad. Suddenly an elderly Muslim lady coming from the opposite direction stopped in front of us and asked in pain: "Brothers, will you, too, go away?"
Historically, Sindhis have always loved, respected, supported, and applauded the Bengalis, everywhere and at any time. And, I am proud to vouch and confirm that Bengalis have also done the same for us Sindhis. Today, the Sindhi diaspora, far away from the motherland, is in turmoil and turbulence. Supratik has churned the vary conscience of Sindhis and the soul of Sindh. Do you have any answers to his queries?
United Nations has declared and systemetically recognized the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family. These rights are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Is this merely a dream?
Thousands of exuberant, ebullient and energetic Sindhi youngsters are pursuing their studies in schools, colleges and Universities all over the world. Some visionary Sindhis believe that there is a dire need for the youth of Sindh to unite, interact, share their valuable ideas and harness their energies together by forming an International Organization of Sindhi Students. Some sincere Sindhis have even gone further than mere suggestion. They have even recommended the name of such an organisation : SINDHI STUDENTS' INTERNATIONAL. Join me to find out about the viability, fesibility and objectives of such a global organisation.

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